The men who ordered Touhy's killing

                                                                   Tony Accardo
                                                                       Paul Ricca
                                                   Touhy's mortal enemy Murray Humpreys

The likely killers

Sam Battaglia (ABove) before the Kefauver Committee. He was dubbed "Teets" by the FBI for his habot of threatening to punch his late paying loan shark victims in the "Teets" if they contined to pay him late

Battaglia in the late 1930s. Like Marshal Ciafano and Sam Giancana, Battaglia was once part of the 42 gang 

John Marshal Ciafano, hauled in for questioning in the Touhy killing. Ciafano would later, towards the end of his life, live as a homsexual    

                                                                   Ciafano's mother
                                        Ciafano's Las Vegas Blackbook mug shot 

                                                   Battaglia, he died in prison
                                                Exhausted, Touhy broke down at his third trial

 The Touhy gang on trial for the Hamm kidnapping. Touhy is on the front, Schaffer in back of him.  Willie Sharky, the gangs top enforcer behind Tommy Touhy, sits in the third seat and Chicken McFadden, the gangs top extortionist, is in the last seat.
                                                    Crowds gathered to get into all of the trials

William Hamm, who may have been kidnapped as a warning for holding out on the bootleggers

William Hamm (left) and Jake the Barber Factor. Hamm's mother had died, hence the arm band 

Jake the Barber with a small army of thugs, mostly Capone men, he had hired as protection after his supposed kidnapping. It was great PR for Factor's shaky case that he had been kidnapped and had held out against the Touhy's who planned to kill him in return.  

Factor hams it up for the cameras

When Roger Touhy escaped from Stateville prison in 1942, Factor was interviewed by the press and told them he was in fear of his life, although a dead Jake Factor would not have helped Touhy's case in court.  In these photos, Factor hams it up for the reporters, pretending to be too afraid to leave his hotel apartment.